Wednesday 1 February 2012


Here we are in the middle of Brisbane in Reddacliff Place (Brisbane Square). The coloured building is all part of the Brisbane City Council offices. The yellow part is the city library. I can hear you asking "What are those balls"? They are an art work called 'Steam' and are made out of metal steamer containers that you cook veggies in. They vary in size and are supposed to be lit up from the inside, but I hasten to add that I have never seen them working. The original concept was to have had mist coming out of them as well, but at the time of installation, Brisbane and most of Queensland was in the middle of a severe drought. End of story. It would be nice if they could be fixed up to the artists concept. Personally I find this so-called 'Green' area a joke; you can't just plant a few trees and call it 'green'...c'mon guys, the surrounding buildings are all concrete and metal, the paving is granite that reflects the tropical sun back in your face like a furnace, and as you can see, seating is without shade and made of stone! City planners!

O.K....rant over with.


Nathalie said...

Aren't you doing today's theme day, AL ?
It's a good way to gain visitors from the CDP network. I like these art works. Now all you need is a bit of patience until the trees grow...

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

As much as I enjoy new public art installations, they can become a financial burden to the community to keep them. Paris is filled with public art that costs millions to maintain, however appealing they may be.

I agree with Nathalie however as the trees will grow.


AL said...

Ummm...I don't really know about the theme Nathalie.

AL said...

I guess we all want to enjoy and live with art but never really think about the upkeep.

Waiting for the trees to grow!

cara said...

Hi Al, if you haven't done already, you can join in the City Daily Photo community (just Google it). They have a main page which updates every half an hour or so and shows thumbnails and links to loads of city daily photo blogs as they come online. On the first day of the month there is an optional theme day. Members get to vote on the theme and then everyone posts their own take on the subject. It's good fun!

AL said...

Cheers for the heads up about CDP. I will have a look at it. I have seen some blogs (like yours) and it seems to be a fun idea.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They are pretty cool sculptures Al, veggie steamers you say, well that's a novel idea! It is a shame about them not living up to their full potential, we have the same problems over here with water restrictions, in fact over this last two weeks it's been super hard just keeping the garden alive with only two days a week watering allowed.. Ah the joys of living in 'a sunburnt country'!!