Tuesday, 14 February 2012


The diversity of Boondall is so varied for such a relatively small area; tidal flats, mangroves, saltmarshes, wetlands, grasslands, open forest and woodlands. As you would expect, there is a large number of wildlife, and these wetlands are a major migration destination for birds from as far away as Siberia. The birds you can just see here are some less exotic sacred ibis, of which we have very many in Brisbane. In the city areas they are a bit of a nuisance and will scrabble around in bins and rubbish for a discarded sandwich or a left-over burger. Anything really! It's nice to see them in a natural setting. What you can't see are the millions (well, seemed like millions) of mosquitoes that seemed to think that a free lunch on my legs was the dish of the day. The things I do to bring you a post.


Leena said...

Oh, how I do miss summer but not the mosquitos:) Nice to see life there on the other side of the world, nice pictures, too!

London Caller said...

I saw a lot of ibis in Brisbane! ;)

AL said...

Thanks Leena.Depending on where you are, the mozzies can be terrible. Being wetlands they were out in full force. Ouch!

AL said...

Yes, they are a bit of a pest in the inner-city areas! It would be better if people didn't encourage them by feeding them.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh yes the mossies do love the soggy wetlands Al. Apparently there are big warnings out about the mossies this year, carry all sorts of nasty bugs! Keep out of those soggy places haha!

AL said...

Silly me knew that there would be plenty of mozzies but foolishly forgot the aerogard!