Sunday 22 April 2012

Glass House Mountains (2)

This is the view from a small cafe, overlooking the grove of mangoes and Mount Coonowrin, or Crookneck (377m). What better way to start the day, sitting here, enjoying a cooked breakfast. 

In Aboriginal Dreamtime mythology, Coonowrin is said to be the son of Tibrogargan and Beerwah. During a violent storm, Tibrogargan commanded his son Coonowrin to take his mother Beerwah and his siblings and help them move to safety. Being scared of the storm, Coonowrin instead ran off, and when his father found him he hit him on the back of the head, resulting in Coonowrin's crooked neck. Tibrogargan was so ashamed of his son's cowardice that to this day he sits with his back to Coonowrin.


Virginia said...

Al, I 'm certainly not an expert on "dreamtime", but many years ago my city celebrated Australia and I spent a lot of time teaching my third graders about your fascinating country. I read them a novel about "dreamtime" . I'd so love to visit your country one day. I'll ring you up! :)

Julie said...

The greens are so green and the shadows so dense, up your way.

Anonymous said...

Aha! And now we know where the name of Beerwah comes from. Thanks for educating us a little, Al.

Mr Paul said...

Found your blog today whilst following a photo blog trail, this shot stopped me in my tracks.
I usually have an aversion to the misuse of the word awesome but this view IS awesome.